Live Your Healthiest Life

Join Elle on the journey to LYHL.


Sharing inspiration. Self-expression.

Knowing oneself is a life-long journey and is key to living your healthiest life (LYHL). I enjoy thinking deeply, and in the past few years, I have begun to write more formally and share my ideas & insights. This blog is a place me to work and explore integral living, the journey of life, and is an attempt to “in-courage” others - through words, images, and even the occasional song or dance - to live bravely, even while trembling, to be and become the best version of themselves.

I Wrote a Book!

I did it! I have been learning a lot the past few years. Part of the process that has facilitated this growth was writing a memoir compiling confessions, musings, and reflections about judgements, beliefs, faith, culture, and my middle-class, Evangelical Christian, Midwestern U.S. upbringing. I share this book as an act of faith and participation, which in turn serves to invite you to vibrant living. I self-published on Amazon. You can get your copies, leave a review, and receive my invitations there.

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Seeking beauty in the natural world & humanity.

Documentary photography is a passion of mine and is a practice for seeing and savoring beauty throughout the various facets of life, as well as over my lifespan. I find it energizing & purposeful to share the beauty, as I see it, with others. I hope you enjoy!


Movement Coaching & Healing Physical Pain. Solving musculoskeletal imbalances.

We have one body throughout our life. Our bodies are amazing, powerful, and beautiful and give us the capacity to do fun, fulfilling things, but we need to take care of them to live our fullest potential. As a doctor of physical therapy and lover of movement, I can help you reach your unique and worthwhile goals.