Mirror Work

I recently started spending extended periods in front of the mirror. And the experience isn't subtle. Wow, that shit's real! It feels like some sort of magical portal to the place(s) residing deep within that need healing. 

What do I do in front of the mirror? I talk. Who do I talk to? Myself. What do I talk about? I talk kindly and tenderly to myself. I talk specifically and affirmatively.

I don't shy away. I lean in figuratively and literally. I get my face nice and close. I look into my eyes. I look at all the features on my face with gentleness, love, and appreciation for all the things I see represented - struggle, beauty, work, confusion, worry, laughter, joy, fear, relief, hope, and sorrow. I see it all and I don't look away. I sit with it. I linger and I acknowledge it.

Tears come. Tears go. I sit until I feel a spaciousness, letting me know the session is done.

I can pay someone for therapy, and I do, and I can also intimately, kindly sit with myself. 

My new home doesn't have a mirror that I can sit up close to - not yet. But you better believe I'm starting my OfferUp hunt for my new full size mirror, because this mirror work is transformative and the price of a nice big mirror is the same as one therapy session.

I can't recommend mirror work any more highly. Get yourself a sit-able mirror.

I have a saying that came to me while journalling that I still need to do a mirror sit with. I can't wait for the outcome - for the freedom, peace, and deep knowing I trust it will unlock.

  • Are you able to look yourself in the face with tenderness?

  • What would you tell yourself in the mirror?

  • What do you need to hear yourself say?

  • What grace, protection, and affirmation do you need to tell that scared little child in you?


Trusting Big Love

