(To my hurting friend, here is my offering today to you).
Every sunset brings forth the promise of a new dawn,
An existence pregnant with possibility.
We love what we've had, even though really we haven't loved it.
There is so much we wish was different,
So much that we long to change.
But it was all we knew,
And we've been taught to be committed to what we know.
But the rising sun, brings newness.
It births possibility.
Can we witness the beauty of the sunset with intense gratitude
Knowing this day will never again be?
And can we simultaneously lean in with eager anticipation to the invitation
That is whispering "please" for your necessary participation.
The dawn will bring a new dance.
It will lead the way with the first step.
The miraculous beauty will not unfold
Without the movement of our feet in response.
It is there that we can feel the loving embrace -
The delight of the twirls, and dips,
Forward, side, and even back steps
That come in the reciprocity of life -
Of saying yes to the dance of life.
(May you always see the blessing, beloved)